Thursday, December 31, 2009

2009 finale

2007, 2008, 2009...??
each year passes by, never to return...
won't see 2009 again... wonder if there's something memorable in the 12 months we shared.
surely its a year of lots of changes, and lots of "first"s...
looking back, it has been a wonderful time we've shared...

although i've some regrets, 2009, you've taught me to look forwards, and not make the same mistakes... you've taught me how to give up the things i hold dear... you've taught me how to take them up again without fear...

but best of all, you've told me a secret... that you're neighbour 2010 is just round the corner.
and she's got lots more to teach me, lots more to share with me, lots more to enjoy with me...

thanks for being with me... i'll definitely miss you.
let me cherish these last few minutes with you, recalling the moments we had...
So long 2009...

Saturday, December 26, 2009

Walking in the Streets of Chennai

They tell me that it is one of the great cities of India, a hub of commerce, having the status of a Metropolis...

You can tell my disappointment when I trod the streets of Pondi Bazaar...
true, there are definitely more shops and larger too compared to Vellore, more people, more traffic.... but then again, more rubbish, more pollution, and no less slums sitting by a toxic river...

Of course I was amazed at the huge jewellery and gold stores lining both sides of the street, the whole length of the street (india is the largest gold consumer in the world, i am told)...
I really liked the (claimed to be) widest beach in the world -- marina beach...
I was wowed by the architecture of one of the oldest and one of the only three catholic basilica claimed to be built over the tomb of the apostle of Christ -- st Thomas Basilica...
Intrigued by the Kashmiri hand woven carpets and the intricate designs of branze idols...

but then, there was so much poverty, so basely portrayed...
and religion so cheaply peddled...
art so socially detached....

where lies the heart of the city??

i see it in the efforts of the government initiating one of the most efficient public transport systems..
i see it in the hard work of auto drivers renting their vehicles for 200rps a day...
i see it in the serious face of the policewoman guarding the order of the streets...
i see it in the excited school children going for a hockey match...
i see it in the laughter of the kids sitting on a hand powered Ferris wheel...

as i enjoy myself at marina beach, talking to my friends, flying a kite, eating bhaji, feeling the Bengal bay wind, watching the lighthouse in a distance, hearing the screams of happy children around... i am happy to leave all the unsolvable problems to God, and enjoy every moment of life He blesses me with.

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


Had a thrilling encounter last night.

We were all sleeping over at aunt neelima's house. everyone on mat on the floor...
of course after lots of gassing and all, we finally slept off...

about at 3 in the morning (an estimation by me) while i was having one of the most beautiful dreams ever (with background music and all) suddenly wakened by something scratching at my legs...
half asleep as i was i tried to feel with my other foot to "see" what it was... and found Jiwan's leg... swt...

so i rolled over and continued my dreams....

then at about 5 in the morning (another estimation) again something was scratching my leg...
Jiwan again??... wait, cannot be, coz i made sure i'm two feet away from him...
so i pulled myself up with eyes half open to see what it was.

and lo and behold i saw a half foot MOUSE sitting between my feet!!!

i grabbed a plastic chair near my head and swung down at IT...
i think i hit it, coz there was a squeal... but not hard enough, coz IT got away...

so ends my midnight encounter with the MOUSE...

hopefully it doesn't come again tonight...

Monday, December 21, 2009


Its Holiday...
after a long run of 6 months, we enjoy our first hols of our course...

hmm... 2 weeks... what should i do with 2 weeks??
actually planned out to visit north India-- new delhi, taj mahal...
but now all of it is down the drain... coz both Jiwan and I got sick... dunno why... same symptoms.. fever, diarrhoea... but he seems to be in worse shape than me...

so with the trip off schedule, i'm looking forward to a long relaxing week with fewer expenses..hehe

did a lot of thinking recently. coz one can get very bored when sick with no internet connection.
thinking about a lot of things... and coming to the conclusion that i'm thinking too much...hehe
no, seriously... i think i really did in the past..
like since i was a boy, i seldom and almost never asked for new clothes or toys or candy, coz i think it'll be wasting money... which seems to make my mum think that i don't like sweets...
actually i do... so my "junk food" syndrome became something she realised only recently.hehe
and there are other things too... which makes me really really admire people who are carefree...
who "just do it...", and sometimes i consciously make an effort to do that...

i really think i should start....

maybe life will have fewer regrets

Monday, November 23, 2009

Chapel service

Whoa.... very busy week...

just held our first batch service at college chapel... basically...(hehe i'm sounding mal now.) its holding a service on Sunday with songs and all...
was made a reluctant choir leader... but since responsibility fell on me, i thought i'd have to live up to it...

the trauma of getting them together, practicing the songs was something i hope i wouldn't have to encounter in the future..thank God for all the others Dona, Nimu, Baaps, Vicky...who really kept the whole thing together going.....

i think the service went pretty well, thank God..

just remind me to kill all of those guys who never came for practice but turned up on the service..


today dunno why suddenly felt homesick and very lonely.... luckily Ashwin was there to give me a hug... (ok, nothing gay or anything...)

luv all you guys back home!!

Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Well, long time since i wrote...

few things happened lately that really got me down...

1st was my constant sinusitis and flu like symptom for the past 2 weeks... i almost thought i'm having swine flu... that is until i realise a pattern.. the flu like symptoms happen only in the morning when i wake up and after lunch nap... i think i'm allergic to my room...
well, it is high time to clean up my room.. anyone who comes to visit would say the same... yet i just couldn;t find the motivation to do so...

2nd: staff entertainment night... this is one of the weird CMC traditions.. held once in 4 years, it is definitely our privilege, or rather not so privileged to be able to see it twice before we graduate.
It is the night when the faculty will entertain the students!!
i didn't know what to say.. to imagine our lecturers to be half nuts is more that can be said..
they seem to like to make fun out of their students and mimic our actions and behaviour..
i'm actually a bit freaked out to realise that they pay more attention to us and observe us much more than we imagine...

3rd.. i always seem to manage to fall sick during exams... went to my foster's for a visit and got food poisoning.. a whole night and day of fever, vomiting and diarrhea is more than i can take...
just hope my results will be ok...

to all who cared enough to visit my blog... LUV U!!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009


Dunno how to say it...
Why we need to lose somethings before realising how much it meant to us...
It doesn't even matter how long it had been with us, or how little for that matter...
Will we ever recover it again?
Will we ever come out of our regrets?

Only time can tell...

Wednesday, September 30, 2009


It was a wonderful evening today....
even though the near future seemed obscure, but i believe God is teaching me to live one day at a time...
I so totally chilled out tonight!! having just securing a flunk in physiology in endocrine this morning and a death knell of impending doom coming next monday (lower limb test), i couldn't believe i would just throw away an evening like this... and felt good about it too :P
was generally depressed this week... even though i had a super time at the class retreat (see my facebook photos!) on the past weekend, i still couldn't put the moody feeling off my shoulders..

didn't expect a phone call and a work out could change this much...
just telling someone about your problem could actually help alot, even though the problem still isn't solved..
and working out for the first time in gym was a really good experience... but my arms are sore all over though...(wonder if i could use them tomorrow...)
like my gym partner tells me " you've just gotta kill the muscles, wait one week to grow back... then kill them again!!" i've got them killed alright.. luckily typing uses more of fingers then biceps...else i wouldn't be doing this piece at midnight...

come to think of it, its really late... i gotta get a little bit of study in.. then sleep..
signing out: a sleepy Jason...

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Reality Check

Very very very busy week....
missing classes isn't such a good idea afterall...
i still haven't catch up with what i missed

then again, there's no time to catch up...
women hostel day is just over and men hostel day is this weekend..
hostel day = a lot of work
we're working from 6 -12 everday now as such... this week its gonna probrably increase till 2am..
which means sleeping is carried over to the classroom!

but then, this is all part of exciting hostel life...

some good news and not so good news..
good news: i topped the class in anatomy spotters!!
bad news: i'll probrably flunk my physio and biochem...

after coming back to india, there is a truth that cannot be denied...
missing people will probrably be a core part of my life..
i miss home!! n all you guys...
then again, when i'm home, i'll miss india too...

there's someone that i would really want to call.. someone i really miss...
but then's like that...
somethings are meant to be left aside... until a certain suitable time hopefully..??
afterall, i can't multitask...

signing off...

Sunday, September 6, 2009

Home here and There

Had a wonderful time at home....

it is so arranged that I was able to meet up with most (but not all) of my dearest friends...
thanks to ah ping.. (all the best to ur work in Singapore)..

i wonder... why so many of my friends are all headed to singapore... perhaps there really are many opportunities to grab hold of in that garden city...
i count no less than 10 of my school cum aenon mates who are i singapore...

Home... its really where nice to be...
but then again, no one can stay home forever... (it does get boring after a while)... especially when there are more things to do and our mind is concerned about them...
i'm talking about studies of course... and other things besides....
speaking of studies.. ive got a lot of catching up to do after missing some classes and class tests..haiz..

but what must be done, must be done..

oh, this trip back home was quite fruitful... got my visa done.. 1 year only.. so i have t come back again next year...(much to my mum's delight, harhar)..
met up with many of my friends... and very happy that all of them are heading towards their goals... except maybe more prayers are needed for some who are still a bit confused...

got the break i needed... and some home cooked food..!

all geared up and prepared to face challenges...
India, here i come!!

Thursday, August 27, 2009

Going home. exciting. exhilarating. disaster??

Didn't think i would be able to go home so soon... only 3 months away...
though it seems like a year already...

Looking forward to home and all, but the main objective is to get my visa done..
which means more paperwork, and spelling d i s a s t e r with a capital D....

getting into india is problematic enough, now lo and behold, getting out is equally frustrating...
apparently there is something called an exit permit... which allows a foreigner to leave the country.. but the paperwork behind it is a long train...

went to the police station this morning (bunking some classes in the process)... they told me to come back later...
went to the library to get my flight ticket and some application letters printed out... the printer is not in the mood of functioning today...
went to the principal's office to get my official leave signed... principal is out today...
again to the office to get my letter for the visa... its not ready come back tomorrow.. it will be ready then ( she said the exact same thing last friday)...

only God knows 1000 ways to solve the situation...of which none I can perceive...
sure hope the Psalmist knows what he's saying when he said to trust in the Lord...and He will direct your paths...

hope to see you guys this weekend... if not...
oh well, its not the end of the world yet is it? (though I hope it will come soon) :P

Friday, August 21, 2009

Apple blues

Can't help noticing the dust collecting on Mun Mun's husband...

wondering how to clean arr??

guys anyone suggestions??

Monday, August 17, 2009


A long time since returning to this blog...

in between many things have happened, some interesting, some less so, some has become routine....

During this week, three major events happened,
1) 1st general body meeting for the men's hostelites

2) My 1st dessection of the palm

3) Christmas Choir

The GB (general body meeting) was a totally new experience...though a tiresome one at the same time...
it is where al the decisions and accountings for the hostel is made and presented and voted for...
as freshers, we have to attend 5 GB's to obtain our voting rights...

so we basically sat through GB, from 9pm-2am... and listen to them discuss about the coming prime event : Men Hostel Day...
Every year there will be a project and everyone (mainly the freshers) will have to work on it...
we usually will reconstruct some famous structures of the world (last year was London bridge)...
then there will be lots of decorating in the hostel and a play an all...

And the whole project is like some top secret file.. and no one is supposed to leak anything out... that goes for women hostel day also, which would be held 1 week prior to men's hostel day... which wold naturally mean the strong desire of both sexes to outdo the other...

So i'm not disclosing any details except that i'm happy that i'm forced to exercise everyday in manual labor... which i hope will help me develop some muscle by the end of it...

its tiring though, and it ends up not having quite enough time for studies : i.e. the schedule for the past few days are classes from 8-5, work on the project from 6.30-8.30, hostel GB from 9-2...

i try to slip in some minutes of study between intervals, and even stayed up till 3 to study a bit more before sleeping.... well getting up the next day proves to be a problem...
I was never so glad that Sabbath came this week... a break from this viscous cycle..

but then again, this is part of hostel life that i will have to learn to love (afterall, one won't get as much sleep either when one is doing houseman ship...)

dissection this week was great!! i thoroughly enjoyed the palmar region... all the fine nerves and arteries, and not to mention the 20 odd muscles in the hand..
it motivated me to study lots before coming to the dissection hall too..coz when one is dissecting, you have to know what you are looking for... :)..hopefully, i get to dissect the back of the hand too....

really enjoyed my sabbath.. apart from getting enough sleep the previous night and a break from the routine, it rained and refreshed the whole of Vellore...
there were 3 baptisms this week and met three PK who came with their dad who was officiating the baptism..
they were travelling alot it seems and now they have been two years in Lebanon .. just imagine, Lebanon.. the Mediterranean, masked women, sand, army tanks, Jordan...

then we started choir practice... for the christmas program... all i can say is that indians are good singers, and Jiwan is a wonderful conductor...!!

ok.. i'm stopping here... the guys have come to my room and it'll be a long gassing session coming up.. (don't worry, i've been studying in the morning)

Monday, August 3, 2009


Its unbelievable...
I am in india for more than a month now... and still surviving!!
anyway.. i didn't imagine time could pass by so soon..
soon it'll be the end of 2009, then 2010 then 2014...i wonder when Jesus is planning to come...

Getting used to college life... and got to know some really wonderful people...
First time to feel a real sense of belong at church this weekend...
there was a college function this weekend... and i went early there... that was when i really felt that i missed church...
so i skipped the function and went to church!
it was amazing... i felt like i'm home... and at Dr McGee's home for potluck too...!

i guess i'm already starting to form close ties with india...
tho i still miss home!!
thanks K for connecting skpe and the video... i haven't watched it yet.. i hope i can download it...
server speed here is really unstable..
miss u guys!!

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Long time...

Been a long time since I wrote...

Glad that everything seems fine at home..
Though i would love to hear more from you guys!!

Things are settling down here..
finished the first biochemistry class test... did ok i think... thx for all the help seniors!
shifted to my room in A ground!! going to have a fun time
got my foster parents.. looking forward to meet them!! Baaps is my foster brother, and Nirupama too!! how cool is that?!

anyway... miss u guys alot...

just a thought:
Remeber thy Creator in the days of your youth... Ecc 12:1

class prayers tonight means i need to go and study now...!

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Class Prayers

Ok i know this blog is past due...
but i just can't seem to find time to write it...

just a passing comment on the class prayer we had on tues night..
it was a wonderful experience for almost all our batchmates to gather together for prayers and in song...
got a prayer partner too... but must keep track of him...
nice work guys for everyone who helped organise it..

we had our first unofficial class governing body meeting yesterday night...
all i can say is that its a new experience..
everyone tried to talk at first and the whole thing was chaotic...
then we got down to forcing everyone to not say a word until called to do so...
it was a rather tiring experience... as the discussion seemed to go around in circles at times..
and we really didn't have much rules laid down yet for what we are supposed to do, or how to make decisions, or weather to make any decisions at all...

but all things said... it was nice to have meetings like this where we really learn to live with each other...
although i had to become the unofficial "shusher" in the meeting...(as quoted by carol our class speaker) haha...

still miss home ler...
exams tomorrow... and also a football match... not playing, but definately cheering for them!

btw, I failed my first class test on spotters in anatomy class... sad... 10/20 was the passing mark and i got 9 and 3/4!.... anyway.. this is a stimulus for me to work harder!!

so chreeio, going to study now!!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

A professor is leaving day after tomorrow...
He thought us 2 classes in Physiology...

I didn't really think much about him except for an accent that I struggle to understand..

But today at the farewell, I suddenly see how a person can achieve so much, yet be so modest about it...
Turns out that he is one of the leading research pioneers... many of the "firsts" in India...
His dedication and commitment to his cause and the College is amazing...

I knew that the professors and doctors and faculty here used to be paid very little...
but i didn't imagine it to be that little...
yet they continued... holding on to the principle of loyalty and gratitude..

Goodbye Dr Guna... your life has touched many lives...
today you have touched one more...

May God be with you wherever your future takes you to.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Mid 2nd Week

Did my class test today...
was really glad that the seniors woke us up last night and forced us to study...
it was half past 12 when they came and asked us questions... and then told us what to study for...

3 questions they suggested us to prepare for came out...
thanks... though I'm still a bit tired for studying until 2 am...

Pegasus football match today! CMC was up against St Joseph...
lost two goals right after half time... feeling a bit down hearted..
but finally got a tie just 2 minutes before the final whistle!! way to go guys!!
Had a penalty shootout... lost 4-5 tho... but its ok...
It had been an amazing comeback!!

have to study tho... bye..

Monday, July 13, 2009

A new Start

First week of classes have come and things are about to settle down..
Class test tomorrow... have to study hard..
but just a few moments for a thought or two..

I think its true that humans adapt... i can see myself adapting to this environment...
not that I become conformed.. I truly pray and hope that I would not...
Changing of habits, incorporating of culture is imminent..
Though I still strive to retain my identity... my personality.... definately my character..

I think they call it Pavam here... a simple, innocent personality.. I really don't want to lose that...

But outside I've made my first big change... actually its more of a relapse...
I shaved my head.... not bald, but short enough... just like my 1 year in GBS...!!
And I love it!!!:D (photos will be up in facebook later...

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

3 weeks.. from prospective student to current student

I've been writing some things for a while now... so this will be a big bunch of unrelated thoughts sometimes...

Met up Isaac n Ps Dom at airport, had to find the cab driver who went off for tea. A bumpy ride but was too tired to notice. Slept most of the journey and arrived at Aunt Nel's house. They were wonderful, gave me place upstairs, a whole room with a bathroom all for myself. Too tired to unpack, just washed and slept.

Day 1
Woke up feeling like I'm back at my grandma's old house at the biscuit factory. The furniture, even the switches were alike. They have taps with water drawn from the well and I bathed the cool waters. Breakfast was dosai fixed by Aunt Nel. Better than the ones we had in Malaysia. Met up with the cab driver Sam ad picked up Pua from Chad, one of the hospitals of CMC, and off we go to Chennai.

Dusty roads, colorful trucks are the icons of Indian traffic. I notice that every truck has the sign "sound horn" at the back. And sounded they had, I think its a rule or something that if you are overtaking or arriving at busy crossroads you need to sound the horn, and the other vehicles will return the favor, so it'll be a big orchestra. Found out on the way that I left my passport behind. Pua called up Ps Dom who would join us later by train.

Arrived at the Embassy of Malaysia, went in, met some guy who told us that the consul is not around and asks us to return at 3. Went round searching for a SONY service centre for Jiwan's laptop. FInally got it, left it there, they needed a week and headed for lunch.

Went back to the embassy, finally got my NOC, (the consul is a nice guy btw) and then headed for the MGR Uni for my EC. Too late, the bank is closed so we had to come back the next day. On the expense of Pua's time and money.

Day 2
Took a bus with Pua to the station and caught an express to chennai.
Bought the chalan and waited for them to call for my EC.
The guy checked my documents and asked for an equivalency cert from delhi. No one understood what he meant (i mean Pua and me) and tried to explain that we never had such a thing. He asked us to go upstairs to talk to the Admission officer. Talked for a long while and almost argued but they insisted that I apply for the cert at delhi. A bit taken aback and didn't know what to do.

Decided finally to first return and think things over. I was a little upset and cried a little on the bus, my first for a long time. Felt better after that. Many people called up to inquire and help think of ways. Was comforted to know that so many cared. And God is with me all the time too. I never once doubted His presence. But I thank Pua for spending the two days bringing me around. She is so like a big sister to me now.

Arrived in Vellore and got the other things done, like my chest x-ray, which I didn't know was supposed to be done.
That evening Isaac came over and encouraged me, we discussed about the possibilities. Dr G was downstairs with his relatives. We chatted and also presented the problems to him. Was suggested to meet the registrar the next day.

Had dinner with Jiwan and some of his classmates. Really nice meeting them. I was shown around CMC hospital later at night and we bought mangoes to eat. Isaac had a knife with him.

I guess I'm giving up writing this journal everyday...
Henceforth, I will only write when I have the opportunity...

Just finished interviews. It was an awesome experience. Except for the part when we wait our turns to be interviewed by the GO's, it has been a pretty exciting time for me.

We had medical check up on the first day, where I really get to meet all the different candidates from different places, except for the girls, coz... I dunno how or weather I should approach them... we had a lot of time to talk and know each other while waiting for for our turns to be checked.

oh, I forgot, before that we had a bible test, and lunch. Lunch was the fun part. All of them cooking and serving are actually our seniors-to-be... but they acted as attendants and all. If anyone was rude or complaining or anything like that, you'll really get it when you are accepted into the college.

The second day we were split into groups of 6 and we had 2 GO's monitoring us throughout the interview. I was glad to have really good mates like David, Aneesh, Ashish, Pendroid and George (sorry if I get the spellings wrong and all)... and my GO's were Dr John and Dr Vickram (sorry again if there are errors).
We were brought to Dr J's place and made ourselves comfortable and all as were were called to a room one by one to be asked about ourselves. The rest of us would be lazing around and chat about our lives.

Group activity was fun, we were given some 30 minutes to prepare and act out and explain ourselves on the scene of encouraging village people to donate blood. Four of them set up a tent while George and I volunteered to draw some charts and posters. We acted out a skit about donating blood saves lives and I was the patient because I looked pale!.. all the while Ashish was the Dr explaining stuff and David translated or pretend to translate it into tamil (for the 'villagers').
We all had lots of fun and it really gelled the 6 of us together.

Then we had individual tasks... there were 10 tasks laid out and we had to complete them in 10 minutes. It was a crazy rush, I didn't even have time to panic! I found myself laughing at the end of 10 minutes. Results: attempted 9, completed 2, 1 correct. haha... If I'm somehow selected for into CMC, it will only be by the grace of God.

Third day was also fun, the morning worship was ok, and the chaplain shared something better, about giving our best. Group discussion was nice, mainly because the hall was a/c. I realise how long ago it was since I had a/c. Discussed about free media.

Individual task was another big laugh. We were given 22 minutes to complete a task. Because of yesterday's experience, I thought that the time is going to fly past quickly. The task was like art class, we had to cut and paste colored pieces of paper to make something identical to the diagram. Well, for one, I never liked art class in school, and I never learned to cut in a straight line with scissors, and thirdly, I thought time will be over very very soon. All was set for disaster. I decided not to cut the paper and folded them instead, and glued them together. I did a lot of folding and tearing. Then I didn't measure anything with the ruler... because I thought there wasn't time, and I never liked measuring stuff. So I estimated everything. As it came out, the pattern looked somewhat like the diagram, just critically out of proportion... And as it is, I finished before the final 5 minute bell rang... I looked up at the invigilator, she looked at me and we both laughed!.. so I spent the last 5 minutes arranging the place nicely and picking up the bits and pieces of paper flying around. So maybe it didn't turn out well... but boy, it was just exciting!

Still have not obtained my EC, but many people are helping me work it out... I am just so touched by the warmth of the people here...
God is truly good to me...
I made many new friends, and many old friends contacted me today... I miss you guys!

Met a very special girl today. I mean, I've met her at church and all, but never got to know her story until tonight. Lydia was practicing on the keyboard at aunt Nil's house and I sort of sabotaged her. She asked me about my EC and that started on my telling her the whole story, and after that my life story...
Upon finishing, I said, "so how about you? what is your story?" And I was not prepared to hear what I heard.

She was born into a staunch Hindu family. When she was 4, her father ran into debts and one fine day just disappeared into thin air. No one knew where or why or what happened to him. It spelled disaster to her family. Her mother, being uneducated and unskilled, certainly had a gloomy prospect of the future with two daughters, and one of them just newborn. Some Christian neighbors came to know about it and asked if she was willing to send her elder daughter to an orphanage and school set up by a missionary minded couple. Her mother wasn't fond of the christian part, but it spelled food and education for her daughter which she was uncertain of providing for.

So Lydia arrived and was taken in by these people who taught them according to the counsels of the Bible and SOP. She learned to pray and read and all. The first thing she prayed to God for was to find and hear from her father. And this was something she kept praying for 6 years without fail. She related that she would be crying everytime she prayed that prayer, which shows how much she cared for her father. Well, naturally, her changes became apparent when she goes home to visit her mum once a year. Her mother was against it and said that it would cause her uncles and relatives who were helping the family to be angry. But she persisted. So her mother slowly tolerated it but advised her not to pray and read the bible and all when the relatives are around.

It was at the end of 6 years when she finally got a call from home that said her father has returned. Apparently, her father had amnesia, or what the locals believed to be a spell cast on him so that he lost consciousness of having a family and all. He was actually working the whole time not far from his home. He came to remember his family only when the owner of the hotel asked him what he was doing working away from home for so long and weather he had a family. It was only then that he remembered his two beloved daughters and wife. Her father wasn't happy about Lydia's conversion, but he didn't try to stop her or anything like that.

It was sometime then that Lydia's mother fell ill. She had some sort of terminal stomach cancer or something which the doctors were unable to do anything about it. Many church members at that point flocked to her place to pray for her and helped the family. Her mother prayed a special prayer to God. She said, if God would spare her life for the sake of the children and gave her health again, then she will come to accept Him. She started getting better and was soon well. It was an obvious intervention of supernatural origin. She was convinced of the God who healed her and she became converted.
When the father saw that is whole family is turning Christian, he too started to have bible studies and was willing to accept baptism.

Coming back to Lydia's story. She was at the orphanage-school for some 13 years. She learned basically something like homeschoolers. And then it was very like the training in Aenon, or Hartland. She learned her english, her sciences, and maths. I addition to that, they had lots of work to do, like farming, cooking, cleaning and everything in between. She had classes in the morning and all of them worked in the afternoon. Then they did a lot of witnessing. They were sent to vilages where the girls weren't given schooling opportunities and they taught them whatever they have learnt; english, local languages, math, science, bible... and they would go on buses and give out Christian literature and tracts. They often were brought to different places to give testimonies in the small way they could. I can see that she enjoyed all her years there.

Nevertheless, the studies there were not recognised by the government system. It's not like the homeschoolers in the States where they can just take an exam and get into college. So sooner or later they needed to leave the place and get their 9th 10th and 11th 12th standard. Though she is reluctant and there was much grief and tears, most of the orphans there went off and separated to different walks of life.

Lydia went off and got studied through her 12th standard and is now doing occupational therapy in CMC. Yet I can see God planting a vision in her heart and a burden of taking up the work of her childhood orphanage, wherein the caretakers are getting old and unable to continue.

Lydia's story has brought so much of resonance in my heart. May God guide her each step of her way in life.

Its the beginning of my third week in India. I can't believe that I really am here... India used to be something I read in encyclopedias and articles. Its really an amazing place.
Weather is still hot and dry tho...

Nothing is really stable yet... I still dunno if I can stay for my studies...
It feels a little frustrating. But then again, there's nothing I can do about it... Its all up to God now, weather He wants me to stay or not...
So I'm not going to worry.. and I'm not going stay here typing out things that I know I should not be worrying about.
So i'm going downstairs now and enjoy my time in India!

Its amazing almost a dream, or maybe a nightmare... depends on how you look at it.
I'm in CMC for a week now... officially. No classes yet, we are having 2 weeks of orientation which is a good thing, coz there is so much to learn yet in the men's hostel.

Men's hostel is both an amazing and sort of scary place.. which explains my opening. Its got a really cool name "Mansion of the gods" and it runs on a really cool traditional system too, a system I read about so much in books like the schooldays of Tom Brown and naughtiest girl in school.. It is governed solely by the students and there is none or very little interference from the faculty. The hierarchy is based on seniority and we gain respect as we learn to respect others.

There are many rules, of which some are logical, some noble and some really nonsense. The very finest rule which I find extremely appealing is that everyone knows everyone else. Which means everyone is like family and support each othe, which also spells trouble for us 1st years who will need to struggle to get 150 names and places into our heads in two weeks. And let me tell you that this is no mean task for a Chinese boy who knows less Indian names in his life that there are fingers on his hand. Fortunately, ragging has gone down a lot amd most seniors are readily compassionate to a foreign...
This was my greatest struggle for my time in hostel.. but as the week passes, and I get to know most of the names here, things are beginning to become more enjoyable for me.

Many of us are initially so afraid to get caught by a senior to be questioned about the numerous names that we dread meal times, which is when most of the residents of the hostel would congregate.

Its very late now, so i think i'll talk more about my life in CMC later...
P.s. I do miss home.

Classes have not started yet, which is a good thing, coz its giving us extra time to learn the seniors names. Which I am in desperate need of. Freshers welcome is this weekend, where we will all perform something for the faculty and fagmasters. We are given one guest each (the girls) and we need to introduce her to all the dfferent people in men's hostel, and she needs to introduce all her seniors to us... so basically we need to know everyone by then.... and that actually comes tomorrow.. swt,,

But the orientation we had was awesome... we get to shadow doctors and interns that means we get to see the clinical side of things and exposure even in the OT. And we learn many concepts of being a good doctor, ethics, some first aid workshops, etcetera...

Had class representative elections today. Was elected for class Editor... (they wanted to put me in music sec at first)
I actually thought of getting into social services or religious activity,,, but since i'm really fresh and new to the culture and surroundings.. I guess I'll just observe things for now and not rush into organizing class prayers and social outreach and all...
And I do like to have a go at being editor...was interested when we did our class mag in sec 4. (I miss u 4Sc1!)

Anyway, its Sabbath now, and I really need to get my mind off this... somehow, chapel and church becomes something that I really look forward to these days... Its the time when I am able to ust put aside all kinds of stress factors and just focus solely on God...
Chapel actually helped me rethink and reposition all my beliefs.. especially when I'm stepping into a whole new phase in life...

I pray God will help me through...

Fresher's Welcome...

turned out to not be the kind of nightmare I imagined...
I was in church and came late, after most of the oath taking and all the fun along with it was over. :(
but the rest of it was really nice... all the performances and all...
It gave me the definition India = music+dancing
It was a crazy time... didn't know the 07 and 05 guys dance so well.. even better than the tamil movies.
didn't know my class had so much talent either... they've literlly formed a band in the space of two days!!
i was impressed today by:
Tiki with his drums
Shobinth on the lead guitar
Deva and the 07 gang dancing
Dona with his acting
Banprangboer with his guitar
Shahniah with his singing
a senior girl i forgot what her name was with her voice

I think out of this fresher's welcome we get a real taste of what college will be like... definately not all the scoldings and cold looks we get from not remembering names, but a warm reception of friends and mates who would have a fun time together.

The fresher's actualy made me miss home a lot...the whole mood was swung to missing my friends and my family.. especially at a few more sentimental songs..

I did screw p some names.... but the screwing up of myself would not be till tomorrow.. and there is work from the classes i miss today, but the catching up will be done tomorrow too...
So tonight I would just dedicate the time to thank God for placing me here in such an institution.


Felt a deep sense of longing for home....
I sort of broke down today... noone saw me, but i broke into tears...
I dunno why but i think its a complex of sleeping too late, homesickness, and stress...
I seem not to be able to consolidate the fact that some of the seniors are nice and warm and friendly one instance and then shout and swear and put s down on the other... its like, multiple personality or something..
Im still struggling with the names of the seniors.. doing my best to remember, writing lists and going to mess early and all, but my best doesn't seem good enough...
a friend told me that he is stopping contact with his gf for a period of time to test and see weather the relationship will last... both wanted to be sure that this relationship is based on true love and not just emotions...
I felt as if God is giving me a sign that what i did was right...

but i still miss all of you.... very late now.. nitez.

First day of class. A new chapter of life has just begun.
I sort of have a premonition that this is the beginning of sorrows...
Its not really that bad, but...
There'll be lots to study in the days t come...
but histology was quite nice actually, drawing microscope diagrams with the haematoxin and eosin pencils which is actualy lilac and violet.. but anyway...

The seniors are much kinder now.. basically because they dun have much time to waste on us... now we are the ones looking for the seniors asking help... to get pointers, hardware and other class stuff like bones and books...(no seriously, bones are essential for classes. Dun ask me where they got them in the first place)
It feels more like a family now...really...

But i'm still homesick... Pray tomorrow will be a better day..

Second day

Actually quite happy coz i get to go online now... and also a new cell service to call home to for 3rp a minute!

classes are terrible today... didn't get much from the lecture room... luckily the demonstration was good and really helped me grasp what was being taught...

i guess its study time now...